Getting Your Passion Back
Good morning, As I sit here I am compelled to share with you my thoughts and my feelings. I want to start by asking a question? Have you ever felt like you lost your mojo or your passion to do. Have you ever been in a place where you felt like you were missing that spice or that one thing that you needed to keep you going forward? A place of stagnation. I know this feeling all too well and I understand what it feels like all too well. Especially when you are in ministry and called to do a work for God. It seems that you are at a point of flying high, encouraged and then you become at a low place where you cry for no reason or you just feel some kind of way. I wonder could it be that God is trying to carry you to the next level and you are simply having growing pains. Could it be a level that you are at that you have surpassed and now God is saying prove me for who I am and allow me to take you to a place that you have never be...