It's Better to Forgive

In this life there are so many reasons to hold on to the things of the past and onto the things that people have done to you or I that caused hurt or pain.  However, there is never a reason good enough for one to hold on to the pain of what someone else has done when it only causes you misery.  Many people think that to hold on to the pain of the past or the hurt that one has done to wrong them will some how be more beneficial for them.  They may think that when they hold on to it it reminds them of what happened so they will never allow that to happen again.  Unfortunately this is so very far from the truth.  It is important to deal with the wrong that a person or persons has done to you and then let it go and move on.  Jesus told His disciples to forgive 70 times 7.  This did not mean that He wanted them to take an accurate count of how many times a person does them wrong and then once they get to the final number they are out of luck and no more forgiveness is granted.  Instead He wanted His disciples to understand first and foremost that people are human and they will do things to hurt you and upset you.  Sometimes the things will be on purpose, but I believe most times they are not.  You know the saying, "Hurting people hurt other people"?  Well this is very true for many of us can attest to its truth.  Sometimes when you are so hurt on the inside you do not even know when you are in a position of hurting someone else.  Sometimes the pain that we inflict on others is simple a residual of the pain that we are experiencing our own-selves.  This is why God wants us to be whole, body, soul and mind.  He wants us to let go of the past and look forward to the future.  As long as we are human people will do things to hurt us and upset us and keep in mind that you and I just may do the same.  So what are we to do live in a bubble or a cement house?  I think not.  We all need air to survive and sunshine in our lives on a regularly basis.  We need social lives to thrive from day to day.  So we have to make a choice and choose to forgive.  I know that you may say what if the person does it over and over again?  Well my answer can only be this, imagine how Jesus feels when people sin again Him over and over again and cause Him to be crucified each time that they do.  He endures the pain of many of our decisions, yet He continues to love us and protect us and provide for us.  He made a choice to give His life as a sacrifice so that we will be able to have eternal life.  He never thought twice about it and He loves us each so much that I believe if He had to do it all again He would just for you and I.  It was worth it for Him and the biggest part of what He did was to forgive us and accept us into the Beloved so that we would have fellowship with Him.  So don't dwell on what someone has done to you or against you, but rather choose to forgive no matter what.  If we do not forgive others God will not forgive us.  I would much rather have the forgiveness of   my Father in heaven than to hold on and refuse to forgive my brother or sister in this temporary life.  So if I can and I hope that I can, I choose to encourage you and to let you know that you can forgive and become free in your life.  The forgiveness that you release will allow the blessings of the Lord to overshadow you and to make all things new in your life.  Because remember it is He (Jesus Christ) who makes all things new!  I hope that you are blessed and encouraged today and have a hope for a better tomorrow and know that God desires to  richly bless you in everything that you do.


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